Edison Assistant per PC Windows

Prezzo: Gratuito

Aggiornata: 2023-12-24

Valutazione: 4,0/5 - ‎3.997 recensioni

Edison Assistant per e-mail, contatti, calendario, e Viaggi

Compatibile con PC Windows 7/8/10 & Mac

Versioni precedenti

19.4 MB
Edison Software

Fixed Google login issue [Mostra altro]

Descrizione Dell'app
Edison Assistant (formerly EasilyDo Smart Assistant) is an award winning assistant that organizes your work and personal life. Less work, less worry, and more... [Mostra altro]

Immagine screenshot [ Mostra altro (5 immagini) ]
Imagem de captura de tela do Edison Assistant
Scarica Edison Assistant e installa su PC Windows 7/8/10 e Mac

In questo post, ti mostrerò come installare Edison Assistant su PC Windows utilizzando BlueStacks e NoxPlayer.

Prima di iniziare, dovrai scaricare il file di installazione apk, puoi trovare il pulsante di download nella parte superiore di questa pagina. Salvalo in una posizione facile da trovare.

Di seguito troverai una guida dettagliata passo passo, ma voglio darti una rapida panoramica di come funziona. Tutto ciò di cui hai bisogno è un emulatore che emuli un dispositivo Android sul tuo PC Windows e quindi puoi installare applicazioni e usarlo - vedi che stai effettivamente giocando su Android, ma questo non funziona su uno smartphone o un tablet, funziona su un PC.

Se non funziona sul tuo PC o non puoi installarlo, commenta qui e ti aiuteremo!

  1. Utilizzando BlueStacks
  2. Utilizzando NoxPlayer
Guida passo passo per installare Edison Assistant utilizzando BlueStacks
  1. Scarica e installa BlueStacks da: https://www.bluestacks.com/it/index.html
  2. Apri il file apk: fai doppio clic sul file apk per avviare BlueStacks e installare l'applicazione. Se il tuo file apk non si apre automaticamente BlueStacks, fai clic con il tasto destro su di esso e seleziona Apri con ... Sfoglia fino a BlueStacks. Puoi anche trascinare il file apk sulla schermata principale di BlueStacks
  3. Dopo l'installazione, fai clic su Esegui per aprire, funziona a meraviglia: D.
Come installare Edison Assistant su PC Windows utilizzando NoxPlayer
  1. Scarica e installa NoxPlayer da: https://it.bignox.com. L'installazione è facile.
  2. Trascina il file apk su Nox e rilascialo. Apparirà il File Manager. Fare clic sul pulsante Apri cartella XXX sotto il segno del file che diventa blu.
  3. Quindi sarai in grado di installare l'apk che hai appena scaricato dal tuo computer su Nox o spostare / copiare il file in altre posizioni in Nox.

(*) È necessario

Versione precedente
Fixed Google login issue
Edison Assistant (formerly EasilyDo Smart Assistant) is an award winning assistant that organizes your work and personal life. Less work, less worry, and more time for you.

What this thoughtful virtual assistant does: Merges duplicate contacts, checks traffic so you know when to leave for a meeting, identifies email you may have forgotten to respond to, reminds you of meetings committed to in email that are not on your calendar, adds flights to calendar & notifies you of delays or cancellations— even TSA security wait times!

All this is done without you lifting a finger.

Edison Assistant streamlines your tasks by connecting to apps & services you care about. Connect and manage your email accounts and calendars from Gmail, Yahoo, Exchange and IMAP accounts, and other services like LinkedIn, Evernote and Facebook. Also supports virtually all airlines, hotels, restaurants, shipment providers, & rental car companies.

Recommended on NBC’s Today Show by Randi Zuckerberg, The Katie Couric Show, and featured by Apple on the iTunes home page! Critically acclaimed by Time, WSJ, New York Times & more.

Over 43 automated features:

Navigate Your Day
• Alerts when it’s time to go with drive time and parking
• Auto-dial in to conference calls and view attendees’ LinkedIn profiles
• Driving & public transit times for daily commute
• Directions and drive time to home & work
• Weather forecast for home or travel
• Enter to-dos

Travel Stress-free
• Access boarding passes
• Get flight status (delays, cancellations, gate changes)
• Add itineraries to calendar
• View confirmations for hotels, car rentals, restaurants (OpenTable), movies (Fandango), and events (Eventbrite, Meetup, Ticketmaster), and add to calendar

Get Notified
• Track packages
• Set reminders for bills
• Get bad weather alerts
• Be notified of important emails
• Respond to actionable emails on the go.

Stay Connected
• Schedule personalized birthday greetings with a personal photo via email or Facebook
• RSVP to invitations from Facebook, GCal, and Evite
• Catch important and trending updates from Facebook friends
• Congratulate a LinkedIn connection on a new job
• View top photos of the day and pics you're tagged in from Instagram and Facebook, plus trending photos.
• Add Facebook profile pics to your contacts

Get Organized
• Find contact info from an email to update Contacts, Salesforce, and/or Evernote & connect on LinkedIn
• Remove outdated emails from Contacts
• Merge duplicate contacts
• Create calendar events automatically for meetings you've agreed to over email
• File receipts
• Backup emails & attachments to Dropbox, Evernote or Box
• Clean out deals & old calendar reminders
• Sync your Facebook profile pic to Twitter
• Preview email attachments

Recurring Premium Services:
• Merge duplicate contacts removes all the duplicate entries from a contacts list at once
• Discovers info for new and existing contacts from emails and syncs automatically
• Store a backup of your entire device's Contacts list
• Real-time email discovery for all email related tasks
• Add up to 5 alerts for ‘Important Email’ Alerts
• Auto-forward receipts for expense management
• Save 10% on gift cards for your friends’ birthdays (iOS only)
• Receive fast travel notifications for delays, cancellations, & gate changes
• Executive level support for any question

Recurring Business Services:
• Get all the benefits of Premium plus,
• Add contacts from email and Evernote Business Card Scanner to any Salesforce object
• Log emails and meeting notes to Salesforce
• Touch ID and MobileIron integration for security
• Centralized administration & phone support
• Add Evernote Notes, transcribed audio notes, and attachments to related Salesforce objects
• Smart reminders to update Opportunities

One-time purchase: Catch All Contacts! This feature will scan your email history and find contact information you've missed over the last 1 or 5 years.

Your data is always yours and always protected.