GoLike | Great Social App per PC Windows

Prezzo: Gratuito

Aggiornata: 2023-12-24

Valutazione: 4,2/5 - ‎36.505 recensioni

Incontra amici di diversi paesi, blog, messaggi e domande

Compatibile con PC Windows 7/8/10 & Mac

Versioni precedenti

44.9 MB

We bring updates to the goole play regularly. Every update of our GoLike app includes Bug fixes and performance improvements.Thanks for using GoLike! To make... [Mostra altro]

Descrizione Dell'app
GoLike is a free social app that lets you connect with people, GoLike is the safest, fastest , easiest and most attractive way to stay close to everything you... [Mostra altro]

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Imagem de captura de tela do GoLike | Great Social App
Scarica GoLike | Great Social App e installa su PC Windows 7/8/10 e Mac

In questo post, ti mostrerò come installare GoLike | Great Social App su PC Windows utilizzando BlueStacks e NoxPlayer.

Prima di iniziare, dovrai scaricare il file di installazione apk, puoi trovare il pulsante di download nella parte superiore di questa pagina. Salvalo in una posizione facile da trovare.

Di seguito troverai una guida dettagliata passo passo, ma voglio darti una rapida panoramica di come funziona. Tutto ciò di cui hai bisogno è un emulatore che emuli un dispositivo Android sul tuo PC Windows e quindi puoi installare applicazioni e usarlo - vedi che stai effettivamente giocando su Android, ma questo non funziona su uno smartphone o un tablet, funziona su un PC.

Se non funziona sul tuo PC o non puoi installarlo, commenta qui e ti aiuteremo!

  1. Utilizzando BlueStacks
  2. Utilizzando NoxPlayer
Guida passo passo per installare GoLike | Great Social App utilizzando BlueStacks
  1. Scarica e installa BlueStacks da: https://www.bluestacks.com/it/index.html
  2. Apri il file apk: fai doppio clic sul file apk per avviare BlueStacks e installare l'applicazione. Se il tuo file apk non si apre automaticamente BlueStacks, fai clic con il tasto destro su di esso e seleziona Apri con ... Sfoglia fino a BlueStacks. Puoi anche trascinare il file apk sulla schermata principale di BlueStacks
  3. Dopo l'installazione, fai clic su Esegui per aprire, funziona a meraviglia: D.
Come installare GoLike | Great Social App su PC Windows utilizzando NoxPlayer
  1. Scarica e installa NoxPlayer da: https://it.bignox.com. L'installazione è facile.
  2. Trascina il file apk su Nox e rilascialo. Apparirà il File Manager. Fare clic sul pulsante Apri cartella XXX sotto il segno del file che diventa blu.
  3. Quindi sarai in grado di installare l'apk che hai appena scaricato dal tuo computer su Nox o spostare / copiare il file in altre posizioni in Nox.

(*) È necessario

Versione precedente
We bring updates to the goole play regularly.

Every update of our GoLike app includes Bug fixes and performance improvements.

Thanks for using GoLike! To make our app better for you.
GoLike is a free social app that lets you connect with people, GoLike is the safest, fastest , easiest and most attractive way to stay close to everything you care about..

With GoLike you can

♦As “Top Users” – Find Top Users; who have the most popular on GoLike network and obtaining the most attention from the followers.
♦ As “Users from my Country” – Find users from your own country.
♦ As “My Visitors” – Find out how many users visit your profile and how many visits per day statistically.
♦ As “Fresh Users” –Find new Users who just signed up.
♦ As “Top Pages” – Find Top Pages; That have the most popular on GoLike network and obtaining the most attention from their users.
♦ As “Top Groups” – Find Top Groups; That have the most popular on GoLike network and obtaining the most attention from their members.

♦ As “Messenger” - Send free text, voice, video, photo messages.

♦ As personal ”Social Network” - share yourself and the exciting moments of your life. You can also get followers and likes from around the world.

♦ As personal ”Social Network” - Find out more about your friends by seeing their answers to questions you send their way. Ask anonymously or not. It’s entertaining, easy to use, and you'll be surprised how much you learn about other people and even yourself.

♦ Make your GoLike look however you want. Custom your own colors, Use an animated GIF image if you want.

✔Free Calls
Free and high quality video and voice call

▶Free to install on the Google Play
▶Free to sign up with your phone or Mobile number .

▶Free to search for people all over the world.

▶Free to meet new people anywhere you want .

▶Free to find native language partners.

▶Free to chat with people you like .

▶Free to share priceless moments to get likes fast.

GoLike is a free app that lets you connect with people, GoLike is the safest, fastest , easiest and most attractive way to stay close to everything you care about.

Keeping up with friends make a new relationships with new friends
• See what friends are up to.
• Share updates, photos, videos and blogs.
• Get notified when friends like and comment on your posts.
•Make your GoLike look however you want. Custom your own colors, Use an animated GIF image if you want. We can’t stop you.
• Chat with your friends.
• Search for hash-tags.
• Search friends, people, pages and everything else.
• View videos, photos, audios and blogs.
• Access to Groups and Pages.
• Listen to audios, even after closing the program.

GoLike is yours. Welcome to GoLike.

GoLike More Than Just a Social Networking.