Roller Coaster Simulator per PC Windows

Prezzo: Gratuito

Aggiornata: 2024-04-20

Valutazione: 3,0/5 - ‎589 recensioni

Giro sulle montagne russe nell'ambiente del parco a tema Garden

Compatibile con PC Windows 7/8/10 & Mac

Versioni precedenti

66.1 MB

Descrizione Dell'app
Enjoy Roller Coaster Simulator Games and soar to greater heights than ever to reach high skies between the clouds. This Roller Coaster simulation allows you to... [Mostra altro]

Immagine screenshot [ Mostra altro (22 immagini) ]
Imagem de captura de tela do Roller Coaster Simulator
Scarica Roller Coaster Simulator e installa su PC Windows 7/8/10 e Mac

In questo post, ti mostrerò come installare Roller Coaster Simulator su PC Windows utilizzando BlueStacks e NoxPlayer.

Prima di iniziare, dovrai scaricare il file di installazione apk, puoi trovare il pulsante di download nella parte superiore di questa pagina. Salvalo in una posizione facile da trovare.

Di seguito troverai una guida dettagliata passo passo, ma voglio darti una rapida panoramica di come funziona. Tutto ciò di cui hai bisogno è un emulatore che emuli un dispositivo Android sul tuo PC Windows e quindi puoi installare applicazioni e usarlo - vedi che stai effettivamente giocando su Android, ma questo non funziona su uno smartphone o un tablet, funziona su un PC.

Se non funziona sul tuo PC o non puoi installarlo, commenta qui e ti aiuteremo!

  1. Utilizzando BlueStacks
  2. Utilizzando NoxPlayer
Guida passo passo per installare Roller Coaster Simulator utilizzando BlueStacks
  1. Scarica e installa BlueStacks da:
  2. Apri il file apk: fai doppio clic sul file apk per avviare BlueStacks e installare l'applicazione. Se il tuo file apk non si apre automaticamente BlueStacks, fai clic con il tasto destro su di esso e seleziona Apri con ... Sfoglia fino a BlueStacks. Puoi anche trascinare il file apk sulla schermata principale di BlueStacks
  3. Dopo l'installazione, fai clic su Esegui per aprire, funziona a meraviglia: D.
Come installare Roller Coaster Simulator su PC Windows utilizzando NoxPlayer
  1. Scarica e installa NoxPlayer da: L'installazione è facile.
  2. Trascina il file apk su Nox e rilascialo. Apparirà il File Manager. Fare clic sul pulsante Apri cartella XXX sotto il segno del file che diventa blu.
  3. Quindi sarai in grado di installare l'apk che hai appena scaricato dal tuo computer su Nox o spostare / copiare il file in altre posizioni in Nox.

(*) È necessario

Versione precedente
Enjoy Roller Coaster Simulator Games and soar to greater heights than ever to reach high skies between the clouds. This Roller Coaster simulation allows you to control the speed to keep it on track. Take caution while driving near turns if you are at high speed the roller coaster might derail from the track and launch you and your fellow riders onto the ground. Don't put your passengers lives in danger. This Roller Coaster is the most fun ride of the surroundings and tracks will take you to hard breathtaking journey with thrilling 3d graphics. The theme park and it is electrifying and overwhelming while at full speed on the amazing tracks. Playing this roller coaster game will rid you of the fear of heights and you will never be scared again for sitting and riding fascinating and incredible roller coasters again in your life ever.

The steep lows of roller coaster are really shocking and unbelievable at really fast speeds the stomach feels as it has been turned upside down. While in the roller coaster you will feel as if you were flying and jumping on the clouds.It really important that you manage the speed of the roller coaster effectively and efficiently, otherwise it will become dangerous for the passengers of your roller coaster in the theme park.

You are the visitor and the rider, in this biggest theme park of the world. Purchase ticket for your adventurous Roller Coaster rides. One ride will cost you only one ticket. The theme park employee will check your tickets and give the admission after the riders are free to choose seats in the roller coaster and then you the roller coaster driver will have to drive safely and make the ride delightful and satisfying for the riders. The ride will not be easy, many obstacles will try to halt your funfilled ride. The tracks are very dangerous, be very cautious, and reach your level's destination safely to get better XP counts. The game has two amazing themes, Desert Day and spooky night themes. Complete your level in the specific period of time and earn as many stars as you can. There are more than 15 different carts, choose any of the exclusive carts, you want to take. If You don't have enough coins, watch videos, use spin wheel to try your luck, and play game daily for your amazing free gifts and earn huge amount of coins.

Game Features:
1) Realistic 3D Graphics.
2) Smooth and easy controls.
3) More than 50 levels.
4) Different kinds of 15 Modern and unique roller coasters.
5) Two Awesome environments to play.
6) All unique Levels.

Enjoy this game with your family and friends or just to kill time and boredom. We look forward to your participation in the game and the crazy levels that our designer have designed for you. Win amazing bonuses to unlock all kinds of achievements and increase your progress and score points by playing and completing the levels.

Are you ready to make some adventures drive? Then download "Roller Coaster 3D" now. This ride is most enjoyable than other riding roller coaster games.